
Rest Shield Scalar Energy Reviews

What is information technology?

The Remainder Shield is a powered subtle energy device that emits a type of subtle energy called a scalar field that promotes deep sleep and has several other benign furnishings. The device combines several advanced technologies including scalar field physics and ORMUS. Scalar waves are a type of quantum physical energy equanimous of faster-than-lite energy known as tachyons that can have beneficial and even healing effects on living organisms. ORMUS, or ORMES, is an acronym for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements, in essence platinum grouping minerals that can exist as superconductors with very unique properties. The Rest Shield is non a medical device and we make no medical or wellness claims, but in our testing, development, and use nosotros take found that information technology helps:

  • Promote deep, restful slumber, thus getting better rested, refreshed, and needing fewer hours of sleep.
  • Relieve stress and enhances relaxation in people, animals, plants, and bacteria cultures (as in fermented foods, compost, etc.). It does this in people and animals by slowing frequencies of brain waves, the nervous system, cells and other processes down to those found in deep slumber states while sleeping, and deep meditation states while awake, without dumbing you down or making you lethargic.
  • Reduce harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution from electrical and electronic technologies such as jail cell phones, computers and wireless networks, tv set and radio, edifice wiring and lighting, airport and military radar, power generation and the electrical grid, satellite transmissions, and more. It puts you in a fifteen- to 20-foot radius protective energy chimera that mimics existence on the Earth before any human-made electromagnetic pollution existed. (Homo cells communicate via radio frequencies that are interfered with by EMF emissions. See the 1994 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for evidence of this.)
  • Encourage cellular regeneration, then users rebound faster from injury, exertion, stress, able-bodied operation, etc.
  • Prevent or reduce the furnishings of jet lag and driving fatigue. By getting deeper more restful slumber the body is ameliorate able to fend off the effects from travel, especially when crossing the globe's magnetic field lines chop-chop as when traveling by air.


The Remainder Shield is not a medical device and we make no medical or health claims, however, Rest Shield users report the following benefits (see our Testimonials department for more on specific cases):

  • Deep, restful sleep
  • Stress relief
  • Reduced effects of electromagnetic pollution
  • Increased energy levels
  • Delayed and reduced fatigue
  • Calmer and happier mood
  • Prevention of jet lag
  • Increased concrete and emotional wellness, well-being, strength, and stamina
  • Accelerated physical and emotional healing and regeneration
  • Reduced anger or frustration
  • Improved relationships
  • Decreased aging
  • Improved plant growth and health
  • Improved homeopathic properties or subatomic "retention" of water or water-based liquids. See the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Martin Chaplin, Teruo Higa, Viktor Schauberger, Sang Whang, and others. (Remember, the body is 70% or more water.)

How Does it Work?


The Rest Shield is very simple to apply. Turn it on, go along information technology inside about xv feet or and so of yous while sleeping. You may also proceed it near you during your waking hours to be more relaxed and help reduce effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution. No exercises, no headphones, no being occupied with it. The Rest Shield has a minor nighttime light in the tip which you may turn off if you choose, it will not affect the function of the device either way.

How The Rest Shield Works

The Balance Shield helps to reduce stress and stress-related bug past creating a subtle energy field around the body that structures or alters electromagnetic energy from other sources that interfere with cellular communication and stress the body, encephalon, nervous organisation, and consequently, the heed and emotions. Its scalar field likewise "entrains" the brain waves to slow down by pulsing at a frequency that is soothing and calming. For example, listening to music is a course of brain entrainment, fast music excites you, at-home, soothing music relaxes y'all.

There are several brain entrainment and frequency products on the market. Some use sound waves through headphones ("binaural beats"), some use magnetic fields, some employ breathing or biofeedback exercises. Some of these products piece of work well, but the problem with them is they require either significant amounts of your fourth dimension, money, attempt, or freedom. In that location are magnetic mats and devices that require you to exist jotter, and they are expensive, well over $1,000. At that place are audio programs that require a CD role player, headphones, your dedicated time, usually a lot of coin, and months or years of your time. There are biofeedback devices that require existence continued to a device, your time, and effort to practice exercises to reduce stress. Most of these devices require existence in peel contact and are not shareable. No other sleep aid device on the market works then well, especially with no effort or occupation of your time, and no negative side-effects

Relaxing Brain Wave States

To empathise how the Residual Shield relaxes the brain, a trivial background on how the brain works is helpful. Your brain and nervous system continually hum with electrical and audio impulses at various frequencies. Like to when your car engine hums at a higher or slower pitch as you lot drive faster or slower, your brain also hums with electricity and sound according to what you're engaged in. During a normal waking state, your brain hums along at frequencies between xiv and 30 cycles per second (aka, Hertz, or Hz), known as the beta state. If you are engaged in something heady or fifty-fifty traumatic, such as a roller coaster ride or automobile accident for example, your brain moving ridge states may get to the loftier cease of that range, known equally high beta. If you prevarication down and shut your eyes, your brain waves will quickly slow to nine-13 Hertz, the alpha state. When you fall asleep at night and are in the dreaming phase, your brain slows to iv to viii Hertz, the theta land. Belatedly into the night you go even deeper into the non-dreaming state known as the delta state, with even slower frequencies, around 1 to 3 Hertz. There are too brain waves at frequencies higher than beta (26 to 100 Hertz), known as gamma waves that are believed to be involved in higher mental office and perception.

Brain Waves

Certain practices like meditation will also ho-hum down the brain wave states. Experienced meditators can slow their brain waves downwardly to the theta or delta states while awake. Many people have studied these effects and encephalon wave states, and have created products or programs to relax and ho-hum down the brain waves to relieve stress, achieve deeper more restful slumber, reduce jet lag, and reduce or eliminate stress-related bug.

The Schumann Resonance and Encephalon Entrainment

When you listen to music, particularly with a pulsate crush, yous get into the rhythm of the music and its trounce, and the feelings it evokes from the organisation of sound frequencies. A pulsate beat, a clock ticking, any pulsing beat will engage your brain and nervous organization to follow the beat. If the beat is fast, corresponding to faster brain wave states, information technology volition awaken and excite you, if it is slow, corresponding to slower relaxed encephalon moving ridge states, information technology volition relax you.

Schumann Resonances In its natural state, the World has a prepare of extremely depression frequency (ELF) energies that bounce around the atmosphere, and for living organisms, act like a female parent'south soothing heartbeat to her child. These ELF frequencies, known as the Schumann Resonance, are believed to be created by natural electrical phenomenon on World such equally lightning, and extraterrestrial energies bombarding the Earth such as solar and catholic radiations. These energies strike the surface of the World and bounciness back up, hitting the ionosphere and bounce back down. The various frequencies of free energy bounce upwardly and down about vii.viii, fourteen.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 times per second (aka cycles per second, or Hertz) as they circumnavigate the world. Even so, the proliferation of man-made electrical ability systems and devices is interfering with the natural Schumann resonance and has accelerated it to almost double its natural state, stressing living organisms on the planet.

Encephalon and Nervous Organisation Shielding

Past structuring electromagnetic radiation around the trunk, the scalar field emitted by the Rest Shield helps to reduce effects on the nervous organization and brain from harmful actress low frequency (ELF) radiation. It as well helps protect the autonomic nervous organisation and cells from the effects of harmful extremely low frequency (ELF) radiations from these technologies, and strengthens the body'south energy meridians (as in acupuncture).

The Rest Shield's Nontoxic, Non-interfering Scalar Field

The Residue Shield emits a field of pulsing scalar waves that emanates outward almost xx feet in all directions. The waves pass through walls and any affair similar to radio waves, only with no interference. Scalar waves, sometimes known as a torsion waves or tachyon energy, are spiraling waves of energy that move faster than the speed of light. Breakthrough physicists speculate that tachyon energy is where the physical meets the nonphysical in our universe, that is, where energy becomes solid thing. Unlike much slower conventional electromagnetic waves such as microwaves, radio waves, gamma rays (constitute in nuclear explosions), 10-rays, etc., they do not have toxic or harmful furnishings on living organisms. Scalar waves tin can result conventional electromagnetic radiation, making the radiations "coherent" so that it passes through the body with minimal disruption to cellular communication, thus reducing cellular stress.

EMF Interference With Cellular Communication

Coherent WavesAlfred G. Gilman and Martin Rodbell won the 1994 Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering that human cells communicate with each other via subtle low frequency electromagnetic signals. These signals carry vital information that are translated into biochemical and physiological processes of the body. Conventional man-fabricated electromagnetic radiation tin disrupt this cellular communication, resulting in abnormal cellular metabolism and consequently illness. By making the unremarkably random and chaotic (noncoherent) EM waves surrounding u.s. go parallel to each other as they pass through the body, the Rest Shield helps reduce this EMF pollution from affecting the cells.

Reduced Effects From Electromagnetic Pollution and Geopathic Stress

Electricity running through whatsoever conductor emits an electromagnetic field (EMF). Consequently, all electrical devices and conveyors of electricity emit electromagnetic fields. The stronger the current or signal generation, the stronger the EMF. There are many sources of unnatural EMF on our planet now:

  • Electrical wiring & lighting in buildings
  • appliances (including computers, wireless computer networks, TVs, stereos, microwave ovens, clocks, radios, Telephones, etc.)
  • cell phones and their towers
  • electric motors (such equally in refrigerators, air conditioners, furnaces)
  • electric generators, ability transformers, electricity pylons, ability lines, power substations, the world-wide electric grid, and other ability systems
  • radar (drome, conditions, & military machine: up to 250+ mile radius)
  • military applications (actress low frequency (ELF) transmissions for submarine & other communication, warfare, weaponry, and other technologies).

According to environmental scientists and electrophysiologists Dr. George Carlo, Dr. Magda Havas, Dr. Robert O. Becker, Dr. Bob Beck, and others, we are immersed in a sea of electromagnetic pollution that is negatively affecting our health and our planet. A lot of research has and is being washed on this, some by industries such as cell phone manufacturers attempting to claim that EMF emissions such as prison cell phone microwave radiation is not harmful.

Geopathic stress is believed to be stress on the body and immune system caused by harmful weak electromagnetic fields (EMF) from the Earth acquired by underground running h2o, sure mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities that interfere with the World'south normal EMF. While controversial, if such EMF effects exist, the Residual Shield might help with such stress as well.

Ken Rohla Discusses The Rest Shield, Scalar Energy, Orgone, and Orgonite


Included in Package

1 Residuum Shield with International Power Supply


Length: seven-1/2 inches, Width: vii inches, Height: 6 inches

Weight: 4.5 lbs. (ii.05 kilos)

International Power Supply

Power supply works worldwide, just you may need a plug adapter in your country. Input: single phase 100 to 240 volts Air conditioning, 47 to 63 Hertz. Output: ix volt DC, 500 milliamps. Important: Practice not utilize other power supplies with the Rest Shield, it will damage the device and void your warranty!


60 days satisfaction, 2 years materials and workmanship. If not satisfied, you may return the Rest Shield undamaged with all parts within 60 days for a full refund of your buy price.


The Rest Shield is very simple to utilize. Plough it on, keep it within about twenty feet of you while sleeping. You may also proceed information technology near you during your waking hours to exist more than relaxed and help reduce effects of electromagnetic pollution. No exercises, no headphones, no being occupied with it. The Rest Shield has a small-scale night light in the tip which y'all may plow off if you choose, information technology will not impact the office of the device either way.


Deep sleep, Powerful Dreams, Mental Clarity During Day

After plugging in the pyramid, I went from restless slumber to sleeping for fun and mental clarity. I immediately started sleeping like a baby and dreaming more at night. Now I can't expect to sleep — and so that I can have powerful dreams. I look forward to returning habitation from trips so that I can resume my exciting dreams. My focused thoughts help me to accomplish what I set my listen on. I leave my pyramid on all the time, since its effects can go through the wall and have positive furnishings throughout my business firm. I applaude Ken Rohla'south scientific inquiry on this product… merely amazing!

— Howard O' Maley, Houston, Texas

Deep slumber, Consistent Energy Levels, Improved Focus

Hello anybody, and especially Ken. I wanted to take a moment and limited my thank you to all of y'all. About a twelvemonth ago I began with baby steps, investing in a holy paw grenade and a six-inch disc. I take placed the manus grenade on the electrical box in my habitation, and the vi-inch disc I placed nether the seat of my machine and forgot about it. Once a week I commute a couple of hours each way to piece of work out of town. I started noticing that I was feeling the best when I was in the car, and thought it curious. I honestly had completely forgotten near the disc. And then I cleaned my machine and ran across it under my seat. "Hmmm, that's interesting" I thought.

Recently I listened again to an interview that Ken did on Red Water ice Creations, and in the interview the Residuum Shield was discussed. The commencement fourth dimension I listened to the interview I was interested as well, but the price tag was significant for me, so I was not prepared to invest that amount of coin at the time. Lately I accept struggled with sleeping well and it has had such a negative impact on me. When I listened to the interview the second time I remembered how I've been feeling in the car sitting over the disc. I besides accept met two well-known people who own a Remainder Shield and know that they are very solid, sensible people so their endorsement carries weight with me. So I decided to give the Rest Shield a try. I idea, if this really helps me sleep, it will be the best money I've spent in ages. And then the Residue Shield arrived… and I accept slept like a baby ever since!!!! I will not travel without information technology now (a smaller travel size would be a lovely thought, BTW). I cannot tell you the significance of this on my health and well-being. My energy levels are more consequent and I can focus once more because I have really gotten proper sleep. Amazing!!!! This has truly inverse my life for the better. Give thanks you so very, very much.

— C. B., Winston-Salem, N Carolina

Deep Sleep Afterward 10 Years of Insomnia and Inconclusive Medical Tests

How-do-you-do dearest Ken, this letter is quite overdue. I would like to send you many thanks for the wonderful scalar energy products yous brand. We are a family in Edmonton, Alberta. I ordered the Rest Shield pyramid at the stop of 2013. My husband for a decade could non sleep restfully; no matter how many hours he slept, he nevertheless woke upwards tired and feeling beat up. He did medical slumber tests, and they didn't detect annihilation wrong! Besides, his medical checkups were all fine. We've been a natural lifestyle family for a long fourth dimension (raw organic foods, chemical-complimentary living, etc.) although there is some exposure to toxins evidently in the environment and at work. My husband tried many natural things, but this pyramid did the play tricks! Almost right away he started to sleep securely, waking up refreshed, even having vivid dreams (before he didn't fifty-fifty remember seeing dreams, fifty-fifty though his medical slumber test showed him going into deeper levels of sleep). We wanted to cheers very much for your great inventions! I got all of your disks and phone shields, and Quantum Residuum pendants likewise. We spread the bulletin to many of our friends; some already bought your disks.

Also, a couple of times, I called your role and the person was very helpful, friendly, and never condescending in answering my questions. Give thanks you, and all-time wishes to y'all and your family unit!!!

— K. Y., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Better R&R for Arizona Kitty Demonstrates No Placebo

While the Fresh and Live coiffure were exhibiting at an event in Sedona, Arizona, a local kitty dropped past without her humans and was attracted to our tabular array. She jumped up on our tabular array, meowed loudly when our staff attempted to remove her, and then we let her stay. Within a few minutes, Miss Kitty went from being fresh and live, to loose and relaxed, then quickly collapsed into a deep slumber. Poor kitty, probably too much exposure to wi-fi and such in her home. People often inquire united states of america if the Rest Shield furnishings are but a placebo outcome. We've shown on many occasions that they are not — with humans, animals, plants, and microbes. People sleep more than deeply and longer typically even when they do non know the Residue Shield is nearby. Dogs and cats often gravitate to the Rest Shield, sometimes in areas they previously avoided. Plants grow faster and are healthier, and microbes grow faster and produce more.

Miss Kitty Enjoys a Zap With Her Nap.

Our customers tell us from time to time that their pets gravitate effectually the Rest Shield, and we have seen the same occur with our staff's pets. Hither Miss Kitty enjoys the scalar energy field coming from an unpowered Rest Shield.

Rest Shield Kitty

† The statements fabricated on this website accept not been evaluated by the U.s. Food & Drug Administration. These products are non intended to treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any medical or psychological condition, or to support or sustain human life, or to prevent damage of homo wellness; for cocky-education purposes only.

Statements on this web site are non intended to be relied upon as medical advice. This product and information are non intended to diagnose, preclude, treat, or cure whatever affliction, and may not employ to you. Results may vary. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a serious condition, nosotros propose consulting with a licensed physician or other advisable medical professional earlier using any dietary supplements, or following whatsoever information provided on this site.


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